Tenanglah, yakin padaNya. Pada Tuhan yang Maha suci.
Be still and know that He is God. Be still and know that He is holy.
Jangan gelisah, jiwaku Sembahlah Raja Damai, Biar gaduh berhenti.
Be still O restless soul of mine Bow before the Prince of Peace, Let the noise and clamor cease.
Tenang, serahkan padaNya. Yakinlah TuhanMu setia.
Be still and know that He is God. Be still and know that He is faithful.
Ingatlah s’luruh karyaNya, Bangkit dan kagumilah,
Consider all that He has done, Stand in awe and be amazed.
Dia yang tak pernah berubah. Tenang !
And know that He will never change. Be still.
Tenang ! Yakin pada Tuhan. Tenang ! yakinlah padaNya,
Be still. And know that He is God. Be still and know that He is God
Diamlah ! yakin pada Tuhan. Tenang, diamlah.
Be still, and know that He is God. Be still, be speechless.
Tenanglah, yakin padaNya. Percaya pada Allah Bapa.
Be still and know that He is God. Be still and know He is our Father
Bersandarlah didadaNya, Dengarkanlah irama, Dari denyut kasihNya.
Come rest your head upon His breast, Listen to the rhythm of His unfailing heart of love.
Panggil kita anakNya Agar datang padaNya. Tenang ! Tenang, Tenang !-
Beating for His little ones. Calling each of us to come. Be still, Be still, Be still !

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