Solo :
Sendiri, menderita, perlu sahabat, menuntunmu
All alone, dying inside, needing a comfort, needing a guide.
Saudaraku, yang terluka, Dalam Yesus, pegang tanganku.
Wounded brother, broken sister, In the name of Jesus, take my hand.
Koor :
Aku besertamu; ’ku menemanimu; Tangan Tuhan, b’ri pertolongan,
I will be Christ to you; I will be Christ to you; I’ll be His hands to do what I can,
Karna Diapun sayang ’ku. Aku besertamu.
Because He has loved me, too. I will be Christ to you.
Ditebus kasih Tuhan, Kita wargaNya tegak bersatu;
By His grace, sealed by His hand, We are His fam‘ly together we’ll stand;
Pandang Kristus bersama, Hingga badai topan berlalu.
Looking Christward side by side, Thro’ the storms and trials we are one.
Aku besertamu; ’ku menemanimu; Tangan Tuhan, b’ri pertolongan,
I will be Christ to you; I will be Christ to you; I’ll be His hands to do what I can,
Karna Diapun sayang ’ku. Aku besertamu.
Because He has loved me, too. I will be Christ to you.
Ref :
Bukan oleh kuasaku, Ataupun kekuatanku.
It’s not my might or my power, It’s not the strength of what I am
Hanya kasih ampunanNya, Dalam darah Sang Domba !
But thro’ God’s love and His mercy, And thro’ the blood of the Lamb !
Aku besertamu; ’ku menemanimu; Tangan Tuhan, b’ri pertolongan,
I will be Christ to you; I will be Christ to you; I’ll be His hands to do what I can,
Karna Diapun sayang ’ku. Aku besertamu.
Because He has loved me, too. I will be Christ to you.
Kasih Tuhan, Kasih Tuhan, s’lalu.
I will be Christ, I will be Christ, to you.

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