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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Agungkanlah NamaNya (Lift Up His Name)

Kuagungkan NamaMu, puji syukur kunyanyikan
Lord I lift Your name on high Lord I love to sing Your praises

Bahagia hatiku, hidupku t’lah Kau s’lamatkan
I’m so glad you’re in my life, I’m so glad You came to save us

Kau datang dari sorga menolongku, hingga di Golgota Kau tebusku
You came from Heaven to earth, to show the way, from the earth to the cross my debts to pay

Namun maut tak berdaya Engkau naik ke surga, Kuagungkan NamaMu
From the cross to the grave From the grave to the sky, Lord, I lift Your name on high

Yesus namaMu kuasa memb’ri kekuatan.
Jesus, Your name is power; Jesus, Your name is might.

Melepaskan segala Ikatan, Kaulah kehidupan.
Jesus, Your name will break every stronghold; Jesus, Your name is life.

Ye sus Kau menyembuhkan, memb’ri penglihatan.
Je sus, Your name is healing; Jesus Your name gives sight;

Na maMu membawa kebebasan, Kau lah kehidupan.
Jesus, Your name will free every captive; Jesus, Your name is life.

Yesus, namaMu suci, s’lalu menerangi.
Jesus, Your name is holy; Jesus, Your name brings light;

Yesus namaMu diatas semua; Kaulah kehidupan.
Jesus, Your name above every other; Jesus, Your name is life.

Tiada nama selain nama Yesus, Tiada nama selain namaNya
No other name but the name of Jesus, No other name but the name of the Lord;

Tiada nama selain nama Yesus, yang layak dipuji, layak dihormatI,
No other name but the name of Jesus. Is worthy of glory, And worthy of honor

Segala kuasa padaNya.
And worthy of power and all praise.

Tiada nama selain nama Yesus, Tiada nama selain namaNya
No other name but the name of Jesus, No other name but the name of the Lord;

Tiada nama selain nama Yesus, yang layak dipuji, layak dihormatI,
No other name but the name of Jesus. Is worthy of glory, And worthy of honor

Segala kuasa padaNya.
And worthy of power and all praise.

NamaNya mulia diatas bumi; tinggi jauh diatas surga
His name is exalted far above the earth ; His name is high above the heavens

NamaNya mulia diatas bumi ; B’ri puji, danhormat, agungkan namaNya
His name is exalted far above the earth ; Give glory, and honor and praise unto His name.
Tiada nama selain nama Yesus, Tiada nama selain namaNya
No other name but the name of Jesus, No other name but the name of the Lord;

Tiada nama selain nama Yesus, yang layak dipuji, layak dihormatI,
No other name but the name of Jesus. Is worthy of glory, And worthy of honor

Segala kuasa padaNya.
And worthy of power and all praise.

Terpujilah !
Worthy of praise !

(bu Lusi, tolong kirim alamat pos dan nama/alamat gerejanya. Buat yang lain juga, please info di email saya)

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