Betapa indahnya, Berada bersama,
We treasure each moments, These moments together,
S’luruh anakMu, MemujiMu.
With all Your children, We sing Your praise
Kau bawa kasih ampunan. Bahagia ‘kusembah Tuhan. -
For You have come in love and grace. With joy we worship face to face.
Betapa berharga, Tiap jam denganMu.
We treasure this moments, These moments with You
Ku mau tiap saat, Engkau menemani,
We treasure each moments, Each moments together,
Kau s’lalu dekat, S’panjang hari,
As You go with us, Throughout the day.
Ditiap pergumulanku. Kau sambut doa syukurku.
In ev‘ry problem You are there. You fill our lives with praise and prayer.
Betapa berharga, Tiap jam denganMu.
We treasure each moments. Each moments with You

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