Sebutlah namaNya yang kudus, Iblis takut, malaikat berhimpun.
Speak His name and demons tremble, Speak His name and angels assemble.
Panggillah namaNya dan semua menyembah didepan tahtaNya.
Speak His name and multitudes bow in awe And rev ‘rence before His throne.
Yesus, Yesus, Nama Tuhan yang kusembah,
Jesus, Jesus, Name of our Lord whose praise we sing;
Yesus, Yesus, Tuhan dan Rajaku.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, our Lord and King.
Panggil Dia, saat kekasih pergi. Panggil Dia, hingga tangis berhenti;
Speak His name when a loved one is dying, Speak His name and the sad heart stops crying.
Panggil Dia, hati gembira bersyukur didepan tahtaNya.
Speak His name and glad hearts sing together, adoring before His throne.
NamaNya damai bagi bangsa. Harapan bagi kes’lamatan.
Speak His name is peace for the nation. In His name is hope of salvation.
Dalam namaNya sang musafir yang resah dapat kedamaian.
In His name the wanderer tossed and driven Finds comfort and peace unknown.
Yesus, Yesus, Nama Tuhan yang kusembah,
Jesus, Jesus, Name of our Lord whose praise we sing;
Yesus, Yesus, Tuhan dan Rajaku.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, our Lord and King.
Yesus, Yesus, Tuhan dan Rajaku.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, our Lord and King.

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