Makin percaya, makin kucinta, Semua yang indah diberi
The more I trust Him the more I love Him, Nothing good for me He’ll deny
Makin kenal Dia, aku dapat bersaksi, tak mungkin ‘ku menyangkalnya
The longer I know Him, the better I can show Him, I couldn’t stop now if I tried
O makin indah tiap hari berlalu, Makin indah seiring waktu;
O it gets sweeter as the days go by, It gets sweeter as the moment fly ;
Kasih melimpah, dalam, penuh, indah, Makin indah tiap hari berlalu
His love is richer deeper, fulller, sweeter, sweeter, sweeter sweeter as the days go by
Saat Dia s’lamatkan, Dib’riNya ampunan, KasihNya bertumbuh dihati ;
The moment He saved me, His good grace He gave me, He placed His love down deep in my heart ;
Betapa bahagia berjalan denganNya, Tak akan ’ku berpisah lagi.
It’s great joy in knowing with Him I am going, And never more from Him to depart.
O makin indah tiap hari berlalu, Makin indah seiring waktu;
O it gets sweeter as the days go by, It gets sweeter as the moment fly ;
Kasih melimpah, dalam, penuh, indah, Makin indah tiap hari berlalu
His love is richer deeper, fulller, sweeter, sweeter, sweeter sweeter as the days go by
O makin indah tiap hari berlalu, Makin indah seiring waktu;
O it gets sweeter as the days go by, It gets sweeter as the moment fly ;
Kasih melimpah, dalam, penuh, indah, Makin indah tiap hari berlalu
His love is richer deeper, fulller, sweeter, sweeter, sweeter sweeter as the days go by

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