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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kau Curahkan BerkatMu (We Gather in Your Presence)

Roh Kudus datanglah dalam diri kami, Dalam persekutuan menyembahMu ;
As we gather may Your spirit work within us, As we gather may we glorify Your name ;

Kami tahu saat hati mulai memuji, ’Kan beroleh berkatMu
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship, We’ll be blest because we came

‘Kan beroleh berkatMu.
We’ll be blest because we came

Roh Kudus datanglah dalam diri kami, Dalam persekutuan menyembahMu ;
As we gather may Your spirit work within us, As we gather may we glorify Your name ;

Kami tahu saat hati mulai memuji, ’Kan beroleh berkatMu
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship, We’ll be blest because we came

‘Kan beroleh berkatMu. ‘Kan beroleh berkatMu.
We’ll be blest because we came We’ll be blest because we came

‘Pabila berhimpun didalam namaMu, KehadiranMu,
Wherever two or more have gathered in Your name, Your presence, O Lord,

‘kan ada disana. Tak pernah kami ragu ‘Kan peyertaanMu.
will be there in that place. So we havent any doubt You’re here among us now

Dalam kuasaMu, dan Roh Kudus bekerja.
Moving by Your power, and pouring Your Spirit out.

T’rima kasihku, ya Tuhan, RohMu ada disini ; ‘Ku datang di -
Lord, we thank You for Your presence, For Your Spirit in this place ; We will boldly

hadiratMu, Dekat tahta ampunanMu.
come before You, Drawing near to Your throne of grace.

T’rima kasihku, ya Tuhan, RohMu dalam hidupku ; Kusembah dengan
Lord, we thank You for Your presence, For Your Spirit in our lives; We enthrone You on

nyanyian, Kami bersatu memuji Yesus, Tuhan.
our praises, And we come as one to worship You, Jesus Christ.

T’rima kasihku, ya Tuhan, RohMu ada disini ; ‘Ku datang di -
Lord, we thank You for Your presence, For Your Spirit in this place ; We will boldly

hadiratMu, Dekat tahta ampunanMu.
come before You, Drawing near to Your throne of grace.

T’rima kasihku, ya Tuhan, RohMu dalam hidupku ; Kusembah dengan
Lord, we thank You for Your presence, For Your Spirit in our lives; We enthrone You on

nyanyian, Kami bersatu memuji Yesus, Tuhan.
our praises, And we come as one to worship You, Jesus Christ.

Kami bersatu memuji Yesus, Tuhan.
And we come as one to worship You, Jesus Christ.

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