Sungguh besar, sungguh luas kasih Tuhanku, kasih Kristus
How long, how wide, how deep, how high Is the love of Christ, the love of Christ
Sungguh dalam, sungguh tinggi kasih Tuhanku, kasih Kristus.
How long, how wide, how deep how high Is the love of Christ, the love of Christ.
Sungguh besar, sungguh luas kasih Tuhanku, kasih Kristus
How long, how wide, how deep, how high Is the love of Christ, the love of Christ
Sungguh dalam, sungguh tinggi kasih Tuhanku, kasih Kristus.
How long, how wide, how deep how high Is the love of Christ, the love of Christ.
Diluar jangkauan, Pemikiran manusia; KasihNya, tercurah.
Surpassing all knowledge, Granting pow’r with all the saints; Filling us, filling us
Dan kemurahanNya membawa kedamaian Memberi sepenuh kasihNya
And out of His riches He establishes our peace Filling us, with the fullness of God
Sungguh besar, sungguh luas kasih Tuhanku, kasih Kristus
How long, how wide, how deep, how high Is the love of Christ, the love of Christ
Sungguh dalam, sungguh tinggi kasih Tuhanku, kasih Kristus.
How long, how wide, how deep how high Is the love of Christ, the love of Christ.
Sungguh sungguh, besar, besar Kasih Kristus, Kasih Kristus
How long, how long, how deep, how deep The love of Christ, the love of Christ

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