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- 10 Christmas Selections
- Surga Menjelang (Heaven Came Down)
- Ya Tuhan, Tiap Jam (I Need Thee Every Hour)
- Kasih Kudus (Love Lifted Me)
- Aku Serahkan Kepada Yesus (I Must Tell Jesus)
- Dalam Dikau (Hiding In Thee )
- KasihNya Besar (He Giveth More Grace) 2001
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- Jadikan 'Ku Tempat Suci BagiMu (Sanctuary)
- Ada Sukacita (There Is Joy In The Lord)
- Kidung Penyembahan (The Heart Of Worship)
- SalibMu, Tuhanku (The Wonderful Cross)
- KasihMu Mengharuku (Your Grace Still Amazes Me)
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- Kini Tuhan, Ku PerlukanMu, medley (I Need You More...
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- Sambut Raja Mulia (Share His Love)
- Yesus, Bawa Ku Dalam DoaMu (Jesus, Pray for Me)
- Nyanyikan Pujian (I Will Sing)
- KasihNya Besar (He Giveth More Grace)
- Kami Puji Kau, Ya Tuhanku (As We Worship You)
- Nyamanlah Jiwaku (It Is Well With My Soul)
- Aku T'lah Lahir Kembali
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- Yesuslah, Kini dan Selamanya
- Yesus Mesias Datang
- Kasih Yang Murni (Love Beyond Degree)
- Diberkati (We Are So Blessed)
- Dia Mengasihimu (He Cares)
- T'lah Kutetapkan Mau Ikut Yesus
- Kutinggikan Tuhan (I Exalt Thee)
- Kusembah (We Bow Down)
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- Fanny J. Crosby
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- Yesus Terang Dunia
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- 'Ku S'lamat Oleh KasihNya
- Sukacita Dari Tuhan
- Kita Warga Tuhan
- Kuatlah dan Tabahkan
- Haleluya, Pujilah
- Puji Nama Yesus
- Mari, Datanglah !
- Allah Maha Kuasa
- Tuhanku, Rajaku
- Bangkitkan, Tuhan!
- KuasaNya Membuka Jalan
- KeindahanMu Tak Terkatakan
- Yesus Ada Disini
- Tuhan Betapa IndahMu
- Ku Melihat Tangan Sang Bapa
- Indah Nama Yesus
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Bawa Bebanmu PadaNya
Bawalah, bawalah, bawalah. B’ri bebanmu padaNya, tinggalkanlah.
Leave it there, leave it there, leave it there.Take your burden to the Lord, and leave it there
Bila teguh imanmu. Dia pasti menolongmu.
If you trust and never doubt. He will surely bring you out.
B’ri bebanmu padaNya, tinggalkanlah, tinggalkanlah,
Take your burden to the Lord, and leave it there, and leave it there
Bila teguh imanmu. Dia pasti menolongmu.
If you trust and never doubt. He will surely bring you out.
B’ri bebanmu padaNya, tinggalkanlah, tinggalkanlah,
Take your burden to the Lord, and leave it there, and leave it there
Dia yang rela berkorban, seperti Ibu jaga anakNya.
Someone who’ll go the extra mile, just like a mother caring for her child.
Sahabat yang tetap setia, meski kau pernah kecewakanNya.
A friend who’ll stick thro’ thick and thin, no matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been.
Bagai satu keluarga, Dia jadi Kakak Pelindungmu
Just like one great big family, a stronger older Brother He will be
Cepat dan siap membela orang yang rapuh dan lemah.
So quick and ready to defend, the younger weaker to the end.
Dia selalu membawakan anak Tuhan pada Bapa.
And He’s ever interceding to the Father for His children.
Dia selalu membelamu pada Bapa disurga
And He’s ever interceding to the Father for His own.
Dia jalanmu pada Bapa. Bawa bebanmu kepadaNya.
Thro’ Him you can reach the Father So bring Him all your heavy bur den.
Dia selalu menolongmu datanglah ke tahtaNya.
And He’s ever interceding so come boldly to the throne.
Bagai domba yang hilang, terbelit utang yang tak terbayar
Just like sheep we’d gone astray, struggling beneath a debt we could not pay
Tak berharap menggantikan, ikatan kasih yang ada dulu
Not ever hoping to renew, the love and fellowship that we once knew
Na mun Yesus mendamaikan, pada Bapa mohon ampunan
But He began to intercede, crying ‘Father, please forgive, I plead.’
Saat dipaku tanganNya Allah meraih manusia.
And as the nails pierced in His hands God once again reached out to man.
Dia selalu membawakan anak Tuhan pada Bapa.
And He’s ever interceding to the Father for His children.
Dia selalu membelamu pada Bapa disurga
And He’s ever interceding to the Father for His own.
Dia jalanmu pada Bapa. Bawa bebanmu kepadaNya.
Thro’ Him you can reach the Father So bring Him all your heavy bur den.
Dia selalu menolongmu datanglah ke tahtaNya.
And He’s ever interceding so come boldly to the throne.
Datang pada tahtaNya.
So come boldly to the throne.
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- Ada AnakMu Perlu Tuhan (One of Your Children Needs You, Lord)
- Ada Jalan Ke Surga (Highway To Heaven)
- Ada Sukacita Didalam Kasih Tuhan (There is Joy in the Lord)
- Agung Tuhanku (Our God is Mighty)
- Agungkanlah NamaNya (Lift Up His Name)
- Ajaib Benar Kasih Allah (God's Amazing Grace)
- Ajaib Tuhan (God's Love)
- Akan Ku Ikut Kau Sepanjang Waktu (High and Lifted Up)
- Aku Bersyukur (God Does Great Things)
- Aku Percaya (Because We Believe)
- Aku Perlu Engkau, Tuhan (I Need You)
- Aku Tuhan Semesta (I Will Follow)
- Akulah Dia ( I Was the One)
- Allah Maha Kuasa (Our God is Mighty)
- Bahagia Ku Kenal Yesus (I'm Glad I Know Who Jesus Is)
- Bangkit dan Puji (Rise Up and Praise)
- Bangkitkan, Tuhan (Let My Life Praise You)
- Bawa 'ku (Carry Me)
- Bawa Bebanmu PadaNya (Come With Your Burdens)
- Bila Kuingat Tuhan (When I Think About the Lord)
- BilurNya Menyembuhkan (By His Stripes We Are Healed)
- DamaiNya Indah (Glorious Peace)
- Datang Di Rumah Tuhan (Come Into the House)
- Datang Pada Tuhan (Come Into His Presence)
- Datang Pada Yang Maha Suci (Holy of Holies)
- Datanglah Engkau (Come Just As You Are)
- Dimanapun Kau (Wherever You Are)
- Engkau Bebas Karena KasihNya (Freedom)
- Engkaulah Raja Bagiku (Jesus the King)
- Hai, Mari Datang Menyembah (Come to Worship)
- Haleluya Bagi Sang Domba (Lamb of God)
- Haleluya Penebus (Haleluyah, What a Savior)
- Haleluya, Pujilah (Praise the Lamb)
- Hanya Kau Tuhan (God Alone)
- Hosana, Yesus Bangkit dan Menang (What the Lord Has Done For Me)
- Hosana, Yesus Menebus (What the Lord Has Done in Me)
- Indah Nama Yesus (Name Above All Names)
- Ingat KasihNya (Think About His Love)
- Jadikan 'Ku Tempat Kudus BagiMu (Sanctuary)
- Jauh Melebihi (Above All)
- Kala Jumpa Yesus (Heavenbound)
- Kasih Yang Bertumbuh (Love Grew Where the Blood Fell)
- KasihMu Mengharuku (Your Love Still Amazes Me)
- Kau Curahkan BerkatMu (We Gather in Your Presence)
- Kau Rajaku (My King)
- KeindahanMu Tak Terkatakan (Beyond Description)
- Kidung Penyembahan (The Heart of Worship)
- Kini Tuhan, Ku PerlukanMu (I Need You More, medley)
- Kita Muliakan Nama Tuhan (Glorify Thy Name)
- Kita Warga Tuhan (We Are One)
- Ku Datang, Tuhan, Ke Dekat SalibMu (I Come to the Cross)
- Ku Mau Pandang Yesus (I Want to See You)
- Ku Melihat Tangan Sang Bapa (I Can See the Hand)
- Ku S'lamat Oleh KasihNya (Saved by Grace)
- Ku Sembah Kau Tuhan (We Worship You)
- Kuasa Dalam DarahNya (Power in the Blood)
- Kuasa KasihMu (Your Love Surounds Me)
- KuasaNya Membuka Jalan (His Strength Will Make a Way)
- Kuatlah dan Tabahkan (Take Courage)
- Kudus dan Setia (Holiness)
- Kusaksikan Tuhan (Trusting God)
- Kutinggalkan Semua (I Leave it All Behind)
- Maha Baik, Tuhanku (God is Good)
- Mahkota Raja Mulia (Crowned with Praise)
- Mari, Datanglah (An Invitation)
- Mereka Yang Teguh (These Are They)
- Nafas Kehidupan (Breathe)
- Nyalakan Apiku (Turn Me On, Light Me Up)
- Pelitamu Bersinarlah (Go Light Your World)
- Penebusku Setia dan Kudus (Faithful and True)
- Percaya HatiNya (Trust the Lord)
- Puji Nama Yesus (Bless His Mighty Name)
- Pulihkanlah Jiwaku (Restore My Soul)
- Putera Surga (Heaven's Child)
- Raja Abadi (He's Worthy)
- SalbMu, Tuhanku (The Wonderful Cross)
- Salib di Kalvari (The Cross of Calvary)
- Salib Kudus (O Mighty Cross)
- Sambut Dia (Shine Your Lights)
- Sang Raja Datang (The Last Days)
- Sebutlah NamaNya (Speak His Name)
- Selaksa Tahun Kupuji NamaNya (For Eternity)
- Seluruh Diriku Kuserahkan (All of Me)
- Seluruh Hidupku (Our All in All)
- Suci, Engkau Suci (Awesome and Holy)
- Sukacita Dari Tuhan (The Joy of the Lord)
- Tiada BandingMu (There Is None Like You)
- Tiap Jam DenganMu (Each Moment With You)
- Tiap Langkah Kau Pimpin (Step by Step)
- Tuhan Maha Suci (God is Holy)
- Tuhan, Betapa IndahMu (Great and Wonderful God)
- Tuhanku, Rajaku (Lord and King)
- Tuhanlah Kekuatanku (Song of Trust)
- Ubah Hatiku, MendekatiMu (You Are the Potter)
- Yesus 'Kan Datang Lagi (We'll Rise to Meet Him)
- Yesus Ada Disini (Jesus Is Here)
- Yesus Dasar Yang Teguh (Firm Foundation)
- Yesus Hidup (Je
- Yesus Nama Terindah (Jesus, Name Above All Names)
- Yesus T'lah Menebus (Jesus Saves)
- Yesus Terang Dunia (The Light)
- Yesus, Bahagia Jiwaku (Joy of My Desire)
- Yesus, Kau Hidupku (You Are My Life)
- Yesuslah Raja Semua (The Lord of All)
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