Bawalah, bawalah, bawalah. B’ri bebanmu padaNya, tinggalkanlah.
Leave it there, leave it there, leave it there.Take your burden to the Lord, and leave it there
Bila teguh imanmu. Dia pasti menolongmu.
If you trust and never doubt. He will surely bring you out.
B’ri bebanmu padaNya, tinggalkanlah, tinggalkanlah,
Take your burden to the Lord, and leave it there, and leave it there
Bila teguh imanmu. Dia pasti menolongmu.
If you trust and never doubt. He will surely bring you out.
B’ri bebanmu padaNya, tinggalkanlah, tinggalkanlah,
Take your burden to the Lord, and leave it there, and leave it there
Dia yang rela berkorban, seperti Ibu jaga anakNya.
Someone who’ll go the extra mile, just like a mother caring for her child.
Sahabat yang tetap setia, meski kau pernah kecewakanNya.
A friend who’ll stick thro’ thick and thin, no matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been.
Bagai satu keluarga, Dia jadi Kakak Pelindungmu
Just like one great big family, a stronger older Brother He will be
Cepat dan siap membela orang yang rapuh dan lemah.
So quick and ready to defend, the younger weaker to the end.
Dia selalu membawakan anak Tuhan pada Bapa.
And He’s ever interceding to the Father for His children.
Dia selalu membelamu pada Bapa disurga
And He’s ever interceding to the Father for His own.
Dia jalanmu pada Bapa. Bawa bebanmu kepadaNya.
Thro’ Him you can reach the Father So bring Him all your heavy bur den.
Dia selalu menolongmu datanglah ke tahtaNya.
And He’s ever interceding so come boldly to the throne.
Bagai domba yang hilang, terbelit utang yang tak terbayar
Just like sheep we’d gone astray, struggling beneath a debt we could not pay
Tak berharap menggantikan, ikatan kasih yang ada dulu
Not ever hoping to renew, the love and fellowship that we once knew
Na mun Yesus mendamaikan, pada Bapa mohon ampunan
But He began to intercede, crying ‘Father, please forgive, I plead.’
Saat dipaku tanganNya Allah meraih manusia.
And as the nails pierced in His hands God once again reached out to man.
Dia selalu membawakan anak Tuhan pada Bapa.
And He’s ever interceding to the Father for His children.
Dia selalu membelamu pada Bapa disurga
And He’s ever interceding to the Father for His own.
Dia jalanmu pada Bapa. Bawa bebanmu kepadaNya.
Thro’ Him you can reach the Father So bring Him all your heavy bur den.
Dia selalu menolongmu datanglah ke tahtaNya.
And He’s ever interceding so come boldly to the throne.
Datang pada tahtaNya.
So come boldly to the throne.

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