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Friday, August 8, 2008

Dia Akan Datang Menolongmu (He Will Come and Save You)

B’ritakan kepada yang sedang cemas, Jangan kau takut !
Say to those who are fearful hearted Do not be afraid
Tuhanmu yang akan melindungimu,.
The Lord your God will come And with His mighty arm
Panggilah namaNya Dia akan datang
When you call on His Name, He will come and save you

Chorus :
Dia akan menolongmu. Dia akan datang menolongmu.
He will come and save you, He will come and save you
Kepada yang lesu, Tuhan pasti datang. Dia akan datang menolongmu.
Say to the weary one Your God will surely come He will come and save you

Dia akan menolongmu. Dia akan datang menolongmu.
He will come and save you, He will come and save you
Pandang pada Tuhan, yang ‘kan mengangkatmu, Dia akan datang menolongmu
Lift up your eyes to Him You will arise again He will come and save you

Dan mereka yang patah semangatnya, Jangan menyerah !
Say to those who are broken hearted Do not lose your faith
Tuhan Maha Kuasa Maha Penyayang panggillah namaNya.
The Lord your God is strong with His loving hand When you call on His Name
Dia akan datang
He will come and save
(back to chorus)

Bridge :
Dia penolong ditengah cobaan. Dia pelindung dari badai topan.
He is our refuge in the day of trouble, He is our shelter in the time of storm
Dia Menara dalam kegelapan, bentengku disaat perang.
He is our tower in the day of sorrow , Our fortress in the time of war
(back to chorus)

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